How to Move On After Divorce

The difficulty is not in the decision itself, but in mustering the courage to call your relationship’s "the time of death.” Nobody ever decides to get married with the intention of getting a divorce. But it happens. What will you choose to do when a storm comes into your life? Will you run away, or will you choose to stay, face it head on, and use the wind from that storm to help you overcome, surpass, and FLY? Life’s storms are scary. Not having control over what happens is scary. The unknown of what’s to come is frightening. I get it. Really, I do. YOU HAVE…

How to Start Running and Achieve Your Own Personal Goals

Running is like drinking beer (or any kind of alcohol). For some people, it’s an acquired taste. There was a time in my life when I hated running with a passion, when running half a mile was torturous and I told myself I’d rather die. And when I gained 35 pounds and read that the quickest way to lose weight was to pick up jogging...I gave it a go (and still hated it initially). But that's the shorter version of the story. The fact that I gained weight wasn’t the real issue. Sure, I wasn’t happy that I didn’t look like I did in high school anymore. But the weight was just surface level problem. The REAL issue was…

How to Approach Dating After Divorce

Candid and straightforward approach to dating after divorce. How you go through the process determines how “happy” you will be with your life. How you LIVE you life. Inevitably, triggers and unresolved issues/wounds that haven’t completely healed from the past will arise- creating more hurdles to jump through. Here’s how you take ownership of your life and approach dating process post divorce…